Wade specializes in having a high quality two yr old program while offering a select few prospects for sale each year.  From starting to taking over a young prospect, Wade will see that each horse reaches its highest potential.  

The beginning stages in a young horse’s life are crucial to starting a successful journey in the performance horse industry.

It requires a lot of patience, skill, and a very open mind, to help mold a young horse prospect into a nice, willing show horse.

We take pride in our program and starting a young horse’s career. Looking for a successful program for your young horse?  Message us about training availability.

About Wade


Born and raised in middle Tennessee, after high school started working for NRHA professional Gabe Hutchins, after a year and a half there, he took the opportunity to work for NRHA futurity champion Bob Avila and worked under the guidance of Bob for 3 years, followed up by spending 3 years training and showing with NRHA 5 million dollar rider and NRHA futurity champion Craig Schmersal.